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Certified Digital Marketing:

Develop your digital skills and advance your marketing career. 20% 

Starts on: 01-08-2024.

7 Certificates & placement Assistance. 20 Modules & study material. Online & Offline 5 Assignments & 2 Hands on Projects. Duration: 4 months

SEO Optimizing

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SEO Optimizing

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Google & meta Ad's

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Web Development

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A compete Guide

Content Writing

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Industry-Experienced Instructors

Full Stack Academy prides itself on having industry professionals as instructors. This means that students are learning from individuals who have real-world experience and up-to-date knowledge of the technologies and practices used in the field. This hands-on experience can greatly enhance the quality of education and preparation for students’ future careers.

Career Minds Institute

All the skills you need in one place

From critical skills to technical topics, Career Minds supports your professional development.

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